Which countries are features in this year`s yearbook?.
1. South Africa 2. Latvia 3. RĂ©union Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i'll always have a weakness for looking through jw literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you.
well i was looking through the yearbook and the seams are really starting to show.
like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!
Which countries are features in this year`s yearbook?.
1. South Africa 2. Latvia 3. RĂ©union Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
the usa rating has slipped to at least 50th place - down from about 17th just a few years ago.
one way that all dictatorships gain and keep control of their people, is to supress information and control media.
this gradually paves the way for a totalitarian government in which you are fed a constant supply of government approved news - which in turn creates much more isolationisim and brainwashing.
I travel all the time to foreign countries. Lest to say that I moved to and am currently living in a country outside the U.S.
The feedback from the people I meet in the world scene is obvious. The U.S.A. has lost its dignity and respect.
Alligator Wisdom (Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
the megamillions in new jersey (where i work) and other states is up to u.s.$260,000,000.
got my ticket, my hopes and my dream.
i can't remember the reason why as a jw i was told it was wrong to participate in the lottery, bingo and other such games.
Then what would the WTS say if JWs horde up heaps of food on their plates at an all-you-can-eat buffet and stuff themselves as if there was no tomorrow while at the same time eyeing the line of food on the counter to make sure there was still more left?
I've seen it done all the time, myself included.
Wait! The elders are doing this too, so I guess counseling their brothers/sisters wouldn't apply.
Sorry if I took this topic off tangent.
Alligator Wisdom (Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
what kind of work would you like to do?
just do not consider how much they pay.
It has always intrigued me. Learning from the past can be a great benefit for the future.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
The real reason why I got baptized was to get the 'mark' as to survive Armageddon. Basically, it was a threat imposed on me. Once baptized, I always had to do more more more so as not to have the 'mark' invalidated. Another threat. Living in fear and guilt was supposed to keep me humble.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
edited to add a little personal history.
i think it's an atempt to catch faders or atleast make active dubs feel special.
it also could be a cost cutting measure to though.
getting rid of the km's and even up awakes and watchtowers would save some trees.
The Awake! placement numbers are up, with the 2006 change. The Watchtower placement numbers are sure to be up too, with the 2008 change.
Yes Fred, it's all about the "placements".
How many did you place brother?
Hey sister, were you able to place anything?
That man was nice, I placed a set of magazines.
Was anyone at home? Yes, I placed the latest articles.
Ah yes, the thrill of placing magazines. I believe preachers should use their Bibles along with the faith and testimony they have which is induced by Holy Spirit. Not just some printed suggested presentation on the back of the Our Kingdom Ministry. The magazines can be used for side reading perhaps. BUT NOT the focus in the joys of the public ministry.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
i think it's an atempt to catch faders or atleast make active dubs feel special.
it also could be a cost cutting measure to though.
getting rid of the km's and even up awakes and watchtowers would save some trees.
AK-Jeff said : Perhaps - just perhaps - they are planning on charging for the In House Watchtower - the study version - a fixed price?
Very interesting thought!
I think that it very well can be a possibility. Could this be in line with, from what I recall, that one poster/topic who mentioned a few months back that the GB may implement a procedure that the R&F might find hard to swallow? Thus all the currrent articles pushing the allegience to the FDS (aka GB).
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
it's good to have them so that debates can be carried out across all issues and lurkers can judge who has the right.
I agree. Too bad that many of them (Pro-JWs) don't stick around long enough. Fear of man?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
im a elders daughter right so i was wondering if you the daughter like being an elders daughter?.
do you think it is a curse being a elders daughter?.
do you think being a elders daughter you get treated differentley?.
I have never been a child of an elder.
From my observation, being one seems to mean that you would (in their eyes) have to uphold your father's credentials. It's not about you, but about him, especially if you are in the same congregation or still living with your parents. If you were living elsewhere, then the pressure isn't so bad.
However, it goes to say that any hard-core JW would brag about their parent's position/title/status no matter where they are, dead or alive.
Too bad about the social pressure and stress that you are currently enduring. Be wise and think about your future, as many posters related.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
What do you think?
My guess:
Pro JW : 3%
Semi-Apologist : 10%
Polemic : 87%
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)